As the summer approaches it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with back to school tasks and the end of those long summer nights. With life moving so fast we all try to plan ahead to be organized and get our homes to run more efficiently; but we often don’t get around to it.
Take a look at our quick list and tackle a few of these “to-dos” now before the months get even busier. Improve home safety, get rid of old summer toys and clean up the yard before heading out for your end of the summer vacation to help you get a head start!
Improve home safety. Many people save their vacations for the end of the summer in mid to late August. So it’s best to touch up on your home safety features before jetting off. Add deadbolt locks, trim bushes near windows and add motion sensor lights. If it’s within your families budget adding a home security system is always recommended.
Fix drips and leaks. Remember to check inside and outside, as the outside is often overlooked. Take a tour of all outdoor s
pigots and showers, and fix leaks as needed.
Brush up kitchen chores that you’ve been putting off. Rinse out trash cans and recycling bins with soapy water, run white vinegar through your coffeemaker (finish by running plain water), and wipe down kitchen light fixtures and appliances.
Out with the old, in with the new. Go thru summer toys and gear and donate or toss broken and worn beach toys, umbrellas and the like. Clean all sports equipment and outdoor toys while you’re at and put them in their proper space.
Clean dryer vents and washer hoses. Clean out dryer vents and check the hoses as well to help your dryer and washer work more efficiently. Cracked washer hoses can cause costly leaks — check and replace yours before they become a problem.
Clean cleaning equipment. Mops, brooms, buckets, and vacuum cleaners get dirty, too. Replace heads on mops, replace brooms altogether, scrub buckets, and service the vacuum cleaner.
Get your heating system checked to make sure there are no leaks and no surprises when cold weather sets in.
Test your smoke detectors. Replace batteries as needed. Go over your family’s evacuation plan and refresh if needed.
Prep for easy weeknight dinners and school lunches. It’s time to start thinking ahead to the busy months of back to school and fall. Get a jump start on kitchen tasks by cleaning out the cupboards and organizing your Tupperware, fridge and snack cabinets. This will help with making all of those school lunches that much easier!
Vacuum your refrigerator coils. The fridge can use up to 15 percent of your home
’s total power, so you want it running as efficiently as possible. The coils get dirty over time and your fridge uses more energy. It’s estimated that you can save up to $100 a year by doing this.
Wash windows inside and out. You’ll be amazed with how much more light will come in and how much clearer your view will be.
Inspect outdoor play equipment. Reinforce, tighten and re-stain, reseal or repaint as needed.